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In Norway, a number of stolpersteine are laid every year. Stolpersteine are memorials for victims of Nazism during the Second World War. The project was started by German artist Gunter Demnig in 1992 and started up in Norway in 2010.

Jewish Museum Trondheim and Jewish Museum Oslo collaborate on the project, such as establishing and running the website together with coordinating the laying of stolpersteine.

Jewish Museum Trondheim has the responsibility for planning and carrying out the laying in the northern regions, and has contributed to laying stolpersteine in Trondheim, Brønnøysund, Ålesund, Tromsø and Kristiansund, Berlevåg and Hammerfest, among others.

All of the planned stolpersteine in the northern regions are now laid. There is, however, only one survivor of the concentration camps who has received a stolperstein. It is therefore possible to lay more stolpersteine for those from the northern regions who survived, if the museum wishes to do so in the future.

As of today, there are no concrete plans to lay these stolpersteine. The project is in that sense finished north of Dovre. As a result of weather conditions and some instances where stolpersteine have disappeared in connection with building work and snow removal, the maintenance of the stolpersteine continues.

Otherwise, new stolpersteine are being laid in the south of Norway every year. For more info, go to Jewish Museum Oslo’s homepage.