September 2021 - The prayer book of Tibor Taglicht

This month we want to present the prayer book that belonged to Tibor Taglicht. Tibor came to Norway together with his sister Vera, with help from Nansenhjelpen. They were two of 39 Jewish children that came to Norway from Southern Europe in the autumn of 1939. The plan was for the children to stay in Norway until their parents found a new place for them to live in safety. Tibor came to Trondheim and lived for a while with Mille and Wulf Klein who lived at Museumsplass together with their children Abraham and Cissi.

After a while Tibor and Vera came to Nesjestranda and became a part of the family Kragset. They lived here for about a year, until it was decided that they should be sent to Sweden and to safety. The flight to Sweden started as late as February 1943, however it didn’t go as planned. They were arrested in Lillestrøm because the group that helped them were infiltrated. Tibor and Vera were deported with the ship Gotenland and killed in Auschwitz upon arrival 3rd of March 1943.

The prayer book has survived the time and is an important memory of Tibor and Vera’s life and fate during the Second World War. Abraham Klein gave the prayer book to Tibor when he lived in Trondheim. At the start of the book Abraham wrote a greeting “Use it well, Tibor! Kind regards from A. Klein, Museumsplass 3, Tr.heim”. Tibor were never given the possibility to use is as well as one could have hoped, but Tibor and Vera still live in the memory of the small village and the Kragset family.


Nøsen, Ann Eli, «Barna vinket farvel, men ante ikke at de var på vei til gasskammeret»,, 31.12.20, hentet 21.09.21

Jødisk museum Trondheim, «Tibor og Vera Taglicht»,, hentet 21.09.21